Haluatteko tietää enemmän 50/50 -konseptista? Kiinnostaako teitä 50/50 -menetelmän käyttöönotto koulussa ja/tai muussa julkisessa rakennuksessa?Ottakaa meihin yhteyttä täyttämällä alla oleva kaavake ja autamme teitä kertomalla kokemuksistamme sekä antamalla menetelmään liittyviä ohjeita ja oppimismateriaaleja!
Still not convinced?
- See the motivating presentation on the benefits of the 50/50 implementation and watch the movie prepared by pupils who already participated in the 50/50 project and implemented energy saving measures in their schools:
Roll-out of 50/50 initiative to unlock energy savings Movie “Schools don’t lose energy” (in Spanish, with English subtitles) Movie “50/50 project in German schools” (in German, with English subtitles) - Read the blogs of the schools that participated in the previous edition of the EURONET 50/50 project
- School Länsimetsän (Vaasa, Findland):
http://lansimetsaschool.blogspot.com.es/ - School Isokylän (Seinäjoki, Findland):
http://isokylaschool.blogspot.com.es/ - School Joupin (Seinäjoki, Findland):
http://jouppischool.blogspot.com.es/ - 10th High School of Heraklion (Greece):
http://10heraklionhighschool.blogspot.com.es/ - School Eroi Ottobrini (Lanciano, Italy):
http://schooleroiottobrini-euronet50-50.blogspot.com.es/ - School A. d'Annunzio (Lanciano, Italy):
http://schooldannunzio.blogspot.com.es/ - School G.Mazzini (Lanciano, Italy):
http://schoolmazzini-euronet50-50.blogspot.com.es/ - PRIMARY SCHOOL nº4(Bielawa, Poland):
http://school4bielawa.blogspot.com.es/ - School Barrufet (Sant Boi de Llobregat, Spain):
http://barrufetsantboischool.blogspot.com.es/ - School Benviure (Sant Boi de Llobregat, Spain):
http://schoolbenviure.blogspot.com.es/ - School Castell d'Odena (Odena, Spain):
http://schoolcastelldodena.blogspot.com.es/ - School el Turó (Montcada i Reixac, Spain):
http://schoolelturo.blogspot.com.es/ - School Mare de Deu del patrocini (Cardona, Spain):
http://schoolpatro.blogspot.com.es/ - School Pau Casals (Monmeló, Spain):
- School Länsimetsän (Vaasa, Findland):