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Euroopan maasta toteuttaa 50/50 -metodia

98 891

oppilasta ja

7 038

opettajaa työskentelee säästääkseen vähintään


koulunsa käyttämästä energiasta


Euroopan kuntaa käyttää 50/50 –työkaluja ja


niistä osallistuivat koulutustilaisuuksiimme


kuntaa laajentaa 50/50 –toimintaa myös muihin julkisiin rakennuksiin


paikallista strategiaa ja


opetusstrategiaa sisältävät 50/50 -konseptin


EU-tason aloitetta tukee 50/50 -verkostoa


projektitarkkailijaa seuraa säännöllisesti projektia ja sen aktiviteetteja


paikalliseen, alueelliseen tai kansalliseen viranomaiseen otettiin yhteyttä 50/50 –konseptin sisällyttämiseksi niiden strategioihin


henkilöä on osallistunut 50/50 –hankkeen tiedotustilaisuuksiin

Year 2015 is almost over and we are more than excited to see, how much energy Slovenian schools have saved this time. KSSENA, who is coordinating implementation of the project on the country level, already calculated savings achieved in 2014 and the results obtained were above our expectations. In average, the schools involved in the project (and there are 30 of them) reduced their energy consumption by 5,8 %. That means, that every school used approx. 22 000 kWh energy less than in the pervious years and that every school saved an average of 2 450 €! What is even more encouraging, altogether the schools emitted 234 tons of carbon dioxide less into the atmosphere. Way to go!

With the beginning of the new school year, energy teams were set up again and energy saving efforts continued. Pupils were hanging posters and stickers with energy-saving slogans across hallways and set up colorful trash bins for recycling. In April 2015 first big celebration event was held, with the participation of the pupils from all Slovenian schools involved in the project. Gathering almost 200 pupils, the event was a big success. Every school had a chance to present their energy saving actions, achievements or products made. As a result, the pupils helped us to create a wonderful and diverse celebration, filled with creativity and knowledge. They presented, among others, posters with energy saving tips, sculptures made from waste paper, eco-stickers and fashionable clothes made from recycled materials. One school even prepared and sung their own eco-anthem. In the second part of the event, KSSENA organised a quiz with eco and energy related questions. The winning school was a school for children with special needs and the joy of winning was immense.

Next year, just before EURONET 50/50 MAX project comes to an end, the second 50/50 celebration will be organized to once again reward schools for their efforts.