in Zahlen


Volks- und Mittelschulen aus


Europäischen Ländern setzen die 50/50-Merthode um

98 891

SchülerInnen und

7 038

Lehrkräfte bemühen sich in ihren Schulen


der Energie einzusparen


Europäische Städte und Gemeinden nutzen die 50/50-Tools,


nahmen an einer unserer Weiterbildungen teil


Gemeinden weiteten die Anwendung von 50/50 auf andere Gebäude aus


lokale Energiekonzepte und


Bildungspläne beinhalten die 50/50-Methode


Initiativen auf EU-Ebene unterstützen das 50/50-Netzwerk


Projektbeobachter verfolgen das Projekt und seine Fortschritte


lokale, regionale und nationale Regierungenwurden kontaktiert, um das 50/50-Konzept in ihre Aktionspläne aufzunehmen


Personen nahmen an 50/50-Veranstaltungen teil

Learning by doing and learning by playing are one of the top priorities of the EURONET 50/50 MAX project. We believe that this form of education allows students to acquire new knowledge in the field of energy, energy saving and climate protection in an easy and pleasant way. In the same time it encourages them to look for additional information themselves.

Answering this need, we published here a series of different educational games and plays, that may be used during work with the kids and youth. They are adapted to different age groups and raise many important issues related to energy. Part of the games was developed by us and part was prepared in the framework of other interesting educational projects raising children's environmental awareness and engaging them in climate protection activities. We would like to thank the authors for allowing us to publish them here!

We would also like to draw your attention to the very interesting games and plays prepared by the kids participating in the EURONET 50/50 MAX project. They prove that energy teams' members are very familiar with the issues related to energy and climate protection.

Access the games and play with us!