in Zahlen


Volks- und Mittelschulen aus


Europäischen Ländern setzen die 50/50-Merthode um

98 891

SchülerInnen und

7 038

Lehrkräfte bemühen sich in ihren Schulen


der Energie einzusparen


Europäische Städte und Gemeinden nutzen die 50/50-Tools,


nahmen an einer unserer Weiterbildungen teil


Gemeinden weiteten die Anwendung von 50/50 auf andere Gebäude aus


lokale Energiekonzepte und


Bildungspläne beinhalten die 50/50-Methode


Initiativen auf EU-Ebene unterstützen das 50/50-Netzwerk


Projektbeobachter verfolgen das Projekt und seine Fortschritte


lokale, regionale und nationale Regierungenwurden kontaktiert, um das 50/50-Konzept in ihre Aktionspläne aufzunehmen


Personen nahmen an 50/50-Veranstaltungen teil

EURONET 50/50 MAX display

logo EURONET 50 50 MAX displayThis display will help you promote your participation in the 50/50 Network. You may download it, fill it in with the name of your school / building, print it and hang in a visible place, e.g. next to the school / building entrance or on a bulletin board display. To download the display, please click here.



Der EURONET 50/50 MAX Flyer

logo EURONET 50 50 MAX promotional flyerDer EURONET 50/50 MAX Flyer bietet eine kurze Einführung in das Projekt, die Idee dahinter, die Zielsetzungen und die zu erwartenden Ergebnisse. Hier werden auch das Konzept und die Methoden von 50/50 erklärt, und natürlich auch, warum es sich auszahlt, an diesem Projekt teilzunehmen. Für den Download des EURONET 50/50 MAX Flyers klicken Sie hier.




Brochures for stakeholders - families, schools, other public buildings and policy makers

Logo Brochures for stakeholdersThe 50/50 energy-saving concept can be implemented on different levels - at single schools or non-educational public buildings, in all buildings managed by a given municipality or even... at home, where it can help to reduce energy bills related to our everyday activities. To help you better understand how to launch a 50/50 project in your building(s) and what are the potential benefits of it, we have prepared a set of thematic brochures. The brochure for families encourages parents and other family members to engage their children in energy-saving activities, joining education with good fun. It also includes a set of tips how to save energy at home. The brochures for schools and other public buildings show how to create energy teams consisting of pupils, teachers or other building users and engage them in energy management in the building. The brochure for policy makers shows the benefits of implementation of the 50/50 concept in municipal buildings and how it can help local and regional authorities reach the targets established in their sustainable energy strategies. To download the brochures, click on the links below:


1st issue of the EURONET 50/50 MAX newsletter

logo 1st issue newsletterWe would like to invite you to read the 1st issue of our EURONET 50/50 MAX newsletter! From the publication you will learn what the project is about and what are the up-to-date achievements of European schools and non-educational public buildings involved in this initiative. You will also find few ideas what kind of energy-saving measures may be introduced in your building. To download the newsletter, click here.




2nd issue of the EURONET 50/50 MAX newsletter

Logo 2nd issue of the euronet newsletterIn this 2nd issue of the EURONET 50/50 MAX newsletter you will find more good practices developed in participating schools and other public buildings. Each of them has its own experience in energy education, increasing efficiency of energy use and working with the energy team created in its building. Use the opportunity to learn from them and get inspired by them. From the newsletter you will also learn about the new tools and documents that we have developed to help you save energy in your buildings and to network with other institutions undertaking similar efforts. To download the newsletter, click here.


3rd issue of the EURONET 50/50 MAX newsletter

Logo 3rd issue of the euronet newsletterThe 3rd issue of the EURONET 50/50 MAX newsletter presents the first inspiring results achieved by over 500 schools and 48 other public buildings from 65 municipalities, who undertook efforts to reduce energy consumption by changing behaviours of pupils, teachers and other building users. We also report on the 50/50 celebrations organised in different project countries, present project observers, who help us spread the 50/50 concept wide, and introduce Coopenergy project, which is a source of numerous case studies on energy saving in public buildings. And - as always - we present a selection of good practices that you may replicate in your school/building. To download the newsletter, click here.


4th issue of the EURONET 50/50 MAX newsletter

Logo 4th issue of the euronet newsletterThis last issue of our EURONET 50/50 MAX newsletter summarises what we have managed to accomplish within the 3 intensive years of 50/50 implementation. We present our activities and achievements, new interesting publications, as well as explain why it is worth to include the 50/50 concept in local, regional and national energy strategies. The publication also includes examples of inspirational good practices developed by schools and other public buildings involved in the project, as well as their most important lessons learnt and recommendations for those, who would like to follow. To download the newsletter, click here.